Adesuwa Synopsis

Posted: August 18, 2011 in Uncategorized

Benin Kingdom 1752 AD : Famed for her unrivalled beauty, Adesuwa, the betrothed of the king of Benin, Oba Akengbuda is abducted by the newly installed vassal chief of Ubulu-Uku (Obi Olise) who on his visit to Benin to pay homage to the king, calls at Uzebu, palace of the Ezomo, sire of Princess Adesuwa. Arrested by her uncommon beauty and like the epic tragedy of Troy, Olise plots to get the fair princess to his harem.
He approaches the princess later and feigning contingencies, buys a number of goats which he promises to pay as soon as he gets back to his abode. He reneges and dallies in his promise over many market weeks, and by the power of great sorcery prompts Adesuwa to embark on the ill-fated journey of debt recovery. Against all advice, Adesuwa arrives Ubulu-Uku to the delight of Olise.
Obi Olise indulges Adesuwa to abandon her quest for payment for her goats since he had all along planned to add her to his harem of women. To this Adesuwa feels insulted and used and without control lashes out at Olise, raining abuses and insults on him even before his chiefs.
Not being able to curtail her running mouth, Olise instantly beheads her. Here begins the epic magical battle between Ubulu-Uku and Benin Kingdom. Feeling personal grief, Oba Akengbuda mobilizes the kingdom’s armies and other vassal warriors to subdue Obi Olise and have him executed by beheading.
A Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen Films

  1. Peace alva mcniel says:

    wow!!! cant wait to see this movie, pls how soon will it be out
    alva mcneil

  2. sandra Anyanwu says:

    This story line s gr8,more grace 2 ur elbow able D

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